Plein-Air Easels

Plein-Air Easels

Plein-Air Easels

Plein-Air, denoting or in the manner of a 19th-century style of painting outdoors, or with a strong sense of the open air, that became a central feature of French impressionism. Plein-Air Easels are designed for the artist on the go. Shop our selection at Sam Flax!

  • Mabef Backpacker Easel M/23 Mabef Backpacker Easel M/23

    Mabef Backpacker Easel M/23


    MSRP: $453.95
    This 11 lb. easel incorporates every accessory that a traveling painter could want, including a padded leather luggage handle and adjustable leather shoulder straps for backpacking. Includes an 11-1/2" x 16" folding palette and a tin-lined drawer...
    MSRP: $453.95
  • Mabef Giant Folding Easel Mabef Giant Folding Easel

    Mabef Giant Folding Easel


    MSRP: $325.95
    The sturdiest folding sketch easel available, this easel is constructed of oiled beechwood and folds up into a compact unit weighing only 8-1/2 lbs. In addition to its light-weight design, a leather carrying handle makes the easel readily portable...
    MSRP: $325.95